PC Polygon Assistant

Loading Sample...
PC set: {}

Normal form: []

Prime form: ()

Forte name:

IC vector:


About |

PC Polygon Assistant, 2.03
© 2016-22 Reginald Bain


Use the pitch-class checkboxes 0-11 [C=0] at the top of the app to enter a pc set. The app will automatically draw the set's polygon notation (Touissant 2013), and display basic structural information about the set. The T+1 and T-1 buttons will transpose the current set up 1 or down 1 semitone, respectively. The I button will invert the current set about the 0-6 axis. The C button will display the current set's literal complement. The Play button will play an instance of the current pc set. Turn the Axis on, and the app will display the 0-6 axis as a red dotted line. Use the decrement (<) and increment (>) buttons to show all 12 axes. For more info., see the pdf documentation.
