BAIN MUSC 215 Music Theory III
University of South Carolina
School of Music

Music Theory III

Fall 2021

MUSC 215 | Blackboard | E-book

C O U R S E   M O D U L E S
Triangle icon Tonal Theory Review
2. Applied Chords (Ch. 25-26)
3. Modulation (Ch. 27-28)
4. Modal Mixture (Ch. 29)
5. The Neapolitan Sixth &
Augmented Sixth Chords
(Ch. 30-31)
6. Form (Ch. 37-39)
Student Resources

Free Peer Tutoring

Naxos Music Library


Welcome to MUSC 215!

Required Textbook & Workbook

L. Poundie Burstein and Joseph N. Straus (B/S), A Concise Introduction to Tonal Harmony, 2nd ed.
(New York:
Norton, 2020). {Table of Contents}

Course Documents

  1. Links for InstructorsNew icon
  2. Fall 2021
  3. Chapter Overviews
  4. Bibliography

Course Media

  1. Beyond Analysis
  2. B/S 2/e Chapter Review Worksheets & Quizzes
  3. Digital Anthology

 Music Theory Fundamentals Handouts

  1. Key Signatures (pdf)
  2. Embellishing Tones (pdf)
  3. Counterpoint Symbols (pdf)
  4. Chord Inversions (pdf)
  5. Figured Bass Symbols (pdf)
  6. Lead-Sheet Symbols (pdf)
  7. Roman Numerals (pdf)
  8. See also: BAIN MUSC 116 Handouts


  1. Burstein/Straus, Concise 2/e Digital Resources
  2. Calculators
  3. Computer-Assisted Instruction (CAI)


Adams, Ricci. 2021. Available online at: <>.

Alvira, José Rodríguez. 2020. Teoria. Available online: <>.

Burstein, L. Poundie and Joseph N. Straus. 2020. A Concise Introduction to Tonal Harmony, 2nd ed. New York: Norton. {Norton}

Feezell, Mark. 2010. (LMT). Available online at: <>.

Gotham, Mark, et al. 2020. Open Music Theory, Version 2 (OMT, v2). Viva Press Publishing. Available online at: <>.

Hutchinson, Robert. 2017. Music Theory for the 21st Classroom. Available online at: <>.

Updated: July 17, 2021

Reginald Bain | University of South Carolina | School of Music