University of South Carolina
School of Music

Music Theory IV

Spring 2023

MUSC 216 | Blackboard | E-book

C O U R S E   M O D U L E S
Chromatic Harmony &
Voice Leading (cont.)
1. Other Chromatically
Altered Chords
(Ch. 32)
2. Chromatic Sequences &
Chromatic Modulation (Ch. 33-34)
Post-Tonal Theory
3. Collections & Scales (Ch. 40-41)
4. Triadic Post-Tonality (Ch. 42)
5. Atonal Theory (Ch. 43-44)
Current module Twelve-Tone Serialism (Ch. 46)
Student Resources

Free Peer Tutoring

Naxos Music Library


Thanks for a great semester!


See Blackboard

Study Guides 

Final Exam (pdf)

Exam 2 (pdf)

Exam 1 (pdf)

Required Textbook & Workbook

L. Poundie Burstein and Joseph N. Straus, A Concise Introduction to Tonal Harmony, 2nd ed. (New York: Norton, 2020). {Table of Contents}

Course Documents

  1. Spring 2023 
  2. Composition Project (pdf) 
  3. Links for Students
  4. Bibliography
  5. Links for Instructors

Course Materials

  1. Digital Anthology
  2. Lecture Notes
  3. Burstein/Straus 2/e Digital Resources
  4. Chapter Review Worksheets
  5. OMT2 Resources
  6. Computer-Assisted Instruction
  7. Music Notation

Chord and Scale Calculators

  1. Chord Calculator {}
    Check the spelling of triads, seventh chords, and sus chords on any root (with or without a key signature)
  2. Chord Constructor (with audio) {Teoria}
    Check the spelling of triads and seventh chords on any root; hear the chord
  3. Roman Numeral Calculator {}
    Check the spelling of a given Roman numeral symbol in any key
  4. Scale Constructor (with audio)  {Teoria}
    Check the spelling of contemporary scales on any note; hear the scale


Adams, Ricci. 2023. ( Available online at: <>.

Alvira, José Rodríguez. 2023. Teoria. Available online: <>.

Burstein, L. Poundie and Joseph N. Straus. 2020. A Concise Introduction to Tonal Harmony, 2nd ed. New York: Norton. {GB; Norton}

Feezell, Mark. 1998-2022. (LMT). Available online at: <>.

Gotham, Mark, et al. 2020. Open Music Theory, Version 2 (OMT2). Viva Press Books. Available online at: <>. See also, Version 1 {GitHub}.

Hutchinson, Robert. 2021. Music Theory for the 21st Classroom. Available online at: <>.

Updated: April 29, 2023

Reginald Bain | University of South Carolina | School of Music