Analysis of Tonal Music
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Bell, John and Steven R. Chicurel. 2008. Music Theory for Musical Theatre. New York: Scarecrow. {GB}
Buchler, Michael and Gregory John Decker, eds. 2023. Here for the Hearing: Analyzing the Music in Musical Theater. Ann Arbor: MI: University of Michigan Press. Available online at: <>.
Cadwallader, Allen and David Gagné. 2011. Analysis of Tonal Music: A Schenkerian Approach, 3rd ed. New York: Oxford University Press. {GB}
Caplin, William E. 2013. Analyzing Classical Form: An Approach for the Classroom. Lanham, MD: Oxford University Press. {GB; Full text: Ebook Central; Companion Website}
Gjerdingen, Robert. 2007. Music in the Galant Style. New York: Oxford University Press. {GB; Full text: Ebook Central}
Gotham, Mark, et al. 2023. Open Music Theory, Version 2 (OMT2). Available online at: <>.
Holm-Hudson, Kevin. 2016. Music Theory Remixed: A Blended Approach for the Practicing Musician. New York: Oxford University Press. {GB; OUP}
Hutchinson, Robert. 2021. Music Theory for the 21st Classroom (MT21). Available online at: <>.
Kostka, Stefan and Dorothy Payne. 2008. Tonal Harmony: With an Introduction to Post-Tonal Music, 6th ed. New York: McGraw Hill. {9/e: McGraw Hill}
LaRue, Jan. 2011/1970. Guidelines for Style Analysis, Revised Edition. Sterling Heights, MI: Harmonie Park Press.
Laitz, Steven. G. 2018. The Complete Musician: An Integrated Approach to Tonal Theory, Analysis, and Listening, 4th ed. New York: Oxford. {GB; 5/e: OUP}
Lehman, Frank. 2018. Hollywood Harmony: Musical Wonder and the Sound of Cinema. New York: Oxford University Press.
Lehman, Frank. 2012. "Music Theory through the Lens of Film." Journal of Film Music 5/1-2 (2012): 177–196.
Levine, Mark. 2011/1995. The Jazz Theory Book. New York: O'Reilly Media, Inc. {GB}
Mount, Andre with Lee Rothfarb. 2020. Fundamentals, Function, and Form: Theory and Analysis of Tonal Western Art Music (MOUNT). Available online: <>.
Persichetti, Vincent. 1961. Twentieth-Century Harmony, 4th ed. New York: Norton. {GB}
Richards, Mark. 2016. "Film Music Themes: Analysis and Corpus Study." Music Theory Online 22/1 (March 2016). {MTO}
Neuwirth, Markus and Pieter Bergé, eds. 2015. What Is a Cadence?: Theoretical and Analytical Perspectives on Cadences in the Classical Repertoire. Leuven, Belgium: Leuven University Press. {GB; Full text: Ebook Central; Review: Marvin 2015}
Nobile, Drew. 2020. Form as Harmony in Rock Music. New York: Oxford. {GB; Review: Barna 2022}
Santa, Mathew. 2022. Hearing Form: Musical Analysis With and Without the Score, 3rd ed. New York: Routledge. {GB; Routledge}
Stein, Deborah, ed. 2005. Engaging Music: Essays in Music Analysis. New York: Oxford University Press. {GB}
Wörner, Felix, Ullrich Scheideler and Philip Rupprecht, eds. 2017. Tonality Since 1950. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag. {GB}
Reginald Bain | University of South Carolina |
of Music