BAIN MUSC 540/(737)
(Advanced) Projects in Computer Music

Learning Live Coding

Links for my computer music students

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What is Live Coding?

  1. Wkipedia {WP}

Introductory Article

Nick Collins, Live Coding of Consequence (Collins 2011) {JSTOR}

See also:

Live Coding with SuperCollider

Nick Collins, Live Coding and Teaching SuperCollider (Collins 2016) {Pre-Print}

Live Coding in SuperCollider: a Tutorial with Eli Fieldsteel (Hermes 2022) {YouTube}

Other Tools

Visit Toplap > Software

  1. Chuck
  2. Extempore
  3. Impromptu
  4. Fluxus
  5. Gibber - *
  6. Impromptu
  7. Jack
  8. - *
  9. Max
  10. Overtone
  11. WAAX - *

* - runs in a browser

International Conference on Live Coding

  1. ICLC 2017
  2. ICLC 2016
  3. ICLC 2015

See also: Digital Orchestras and Ensembles

  1. Princeton Laptop Orchestra {PLOrk}
  2. Stanford Laptop Orchestra {SLORK}
  3. University of Michigan, Digital Music Ensemble {DME}
  4. Mae Mai, Laptop Orchestras and Ensembles by Founding Date {}


  1. Andrew Sorensen {Extempore}
  2. Ge Wang

Visit Toplap > Videos; see alsoToplap > Music


  1. Introduction to Programming for Musicians and Digital Artists, with Chuck (Cal Arts) {Kadenze}
  2. Chris Chafe, Online Jamming and Concert Technology, with Jack (Stanford) {Kadenze}


Carvalho Jr, Antonio D., Sang Won Lee, Georg Essl. 2015. "SuperCopair: Collaborative Live Coding on Supercollider through the cloud." Proceedings of the International Conference on Live Coding (ICLC) 2015. Leeds, United Kingdom. {}

Collins, Nick. 2016. "Live Coding and Teaching SuperCollider. Journal of Music, Technology, and Education 9/1: 5–16. {Pre-Print}

__________. 2011. "Live Coding of Consequence." Leonardo 44/3 (2011): 207-211. {JSTOR}

Hermes, Kirsten. 2022. Performing Electronic Music Live. New York: Routledge. {GB}

Magnusson, Thor. 2011. "Algorithms as Scores: Coding Live Music." Leonardo Music Journal Vol. 21, Beyond Notation: Communicating Music: pp. 19-23. {JSTOR}

McKinney, Chad. 2014. "Quick Live Coding Collaboration in The Web Browser." Procedings of NIME 2014. Available online at: <>.

Wakefield, Graham et al. 2014. "Collaborative Live-Coding Virtual Worlds with an Immersive Instrument?" Procedings of NIME 2014. Available online at: <>.

Xambo, Anna et al. 2016. "Challenges and New Directions for Collaborative Live Coding in the Classroom." Proceedings of the International Conference on Live Interfaces. Available online at: <>.

Updated: May 13, 2022

Reginald Bain | University of South Carolina | School of Music