BAIN MUSC 540/(737)
(Advanced) Projects in Computer Music
Links for my computer music students
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Pd Documentation {}
Pd Tutorials and HOWTOS {}
Johannes Kreidler, Programming Electronic Music in Pd. Available online at: <>.
Armfield, Adam. 2006. "Pure Data: An Introduction – Open Source Graphical Programming Environment." SoundOnSound. {SoundOnSound}
Chung, Bryan WC. 2013. Multimedia Programming with Pure Data. {GB; Packt}
Puckette, Miller S. 2007. The Theory and Techniques of Electronic Music. New York: World Scientific Publishing. {GB; Companion Website}
Hillerson, Tony. 2014. Programming Sound with Pure Data: Make Your Apps Come Alive with Dynamic Audio. Raleigh, NC: The Pragmatic Bookshelf. {GB}
Lyon, Eric. 2012. Designing Audio Objects for Max/MSP and Pd (Computer Music and Digital Audio). Middleton, WI: A-R Editions. {GB}
Updated: October 7, 2019
Reginald Bain | University
of South Carolina | School of Music