Tuning Theory

Microtonal Notation

Return to: MUSC 726T

  1. Traditional Pitch Notation
  2. Chain of Fifths Notation {XW}
  3. Just Intonation (JI) Notation
  4. JI Array Notation {XW}, Gann 2019, pp. 157-158
  5. Quarter Tones
  6. Other Systems
  7. Notation Programs {WP}

See also: Xenharmonic Wiki, Musical Notation {XW}

HFF - Huygens-Fokker Foundation
Tonalsoft - Monzo, Tonalsoft Encyclopedia
WP - Wikipedia
XW - Xenharmonic Wiki


Incipitsify –

Gann, How to Use Ben Johnston's Just Intonation Notation. {}

Sabat, Music & Writings {}

Rothman, ScoringNotes –

Xenharmonic Wiki, Music Notation {XW}


Blackwood, Easley. 2014/1985. The Structure of Recognizable Diatonic Tunings. Princeton NJ: Princeton University Press. {GB; TOC: JSTOR}

Gann, Kyle. 2019. The Arithmetic of Listening: Tuning Theory and History for the Impractical Musician. Urbana, IL: University of Illinois Press. {GB}

Griffiths, Paul, Mark Lindley and Ioannis Zannos. "Microtone." Grove Music Online. {Grove}

Narushima, Terumi. 2019. Microtonality and the Tuning Systems of Erv Wilson. New York: Routledge. {GB}

Nicholson, Thomas and Marc Sabat. 2018. Fundamental Principles of Just Intonation and Microtonal Composition. Available online at: <>.

Read, Gardner. 1990. 20th-Century Microtonal Notation. New York: Bloomsbury. {Bloomsbury}

Secor, George D. and David C. Keenan. 2006. "Sagittal: A Microtonal Notation System," Xenharmonikon 18 (2006). Available online at: <>.

Sabat, Marc and Wolfgang von Schweinitz. 2004. The Extended Helmholtz-Ellis JI Pitch Notation. Plainsound Music Edition. Available online at: <>.

Skinner, Miles L. 2006. Toward a Quarter-Tone Syntax. Selected Analyses of Works by Toward a Quarter-Tone Syntax: Selected Analyses of Works by Blackwood, Hába, Ives, and Wyschnegradsky. PhD Dissertation, University of Buffalo. Available online at: <>.

Updated: May 4, 2024

Reginald Bain | University of South Carolina | School of Music