Introduction to Computer Music

Learning Notation

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MuseScore logoLinks to music notation programs (also called score writers), PDF score libraries, virtual instruments, and more – including data formats for music notation (PDF, MID, XML and SMuFL).

  1. Music Notation Software
  2. Reading
  3. Data Formats for Music Notation
  4. Score Libraries
  5. Score Followers
  6. Virtual Instruments & Sound Libraries
  7. Music Fonts
  8. Music as Symbolic Data (Selfridge-Field 1997)
  9. Handwriting Recognition
  10. Optical Music Recognition (OMR) {WP}
    1. Newzik, Maestria
    2. See Hinchey 2021
  11. Blogs & Podcasts
  12. iPad Score Readers

Organizations: ASA | ISO {WP} | TENOR | W3C {WP}


Audio Graffiti, Guide to Drum & Percussion Notation {MIT}

Indiana University (Composition Department), Music Notation Style Guide {Indiana University}

David MacDonald, Score preparation and production notes {ScoringNotes}

Robert Puff, Of Note: Music notation tips & tutorials by Robert Puff & expert contributing authors {Of Note}

Philip Rothman, Create lead sheets in The Real Book style in Finale and Sibelius {Sibelius Blog}

ScoringNotes, iPad Article Archive {ScoringNotes}


Gould, Elaine. 2011. Behind Bars. London: Faber Music Ltd. {GBd}

Read, Gardner. 1969. Music Notation: A Manual of Modern Practice, 2nd ed. New York : Taplinger Publishing Company. {GBd}

Risatti, Howard. 1975. New Music Vocabulary. Urbana-Champaign, IL: University of Illinois Press. {GBd}

Selfridge-Field, Eleanor. 1997. Beyond MIDI: The Handbook of Musical Codes. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. {GB}

Stone, Kurt. 1980. Music Notation in the Twentieth Century: A Practical Guidebook. New York : W. W. Norton. {GBd}

Updated: May 20, 2022

Reginald Bain | University of South Carolina | School of Music