BAIN MUSC 336 Introduction to Computer Music
University of South Carolina
School of Music

Introduction to Computer Music

Fall 2023

MUSC 336 | Blackboard

C O U R S E   M O D U L E S
1. Course & Studio
2. Audio Editing &
3. Interactive Music
Programming & MIDI
4. Real-Time
Digital Audio
5. Synthesis
Triangle icon Sequencing

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Thanks for a great semester!


Left quotes Technology enables us in many wonderful ways, but it will never be a substitute for a good idea. The bottom line will always lie with our ears.
Right quotes
  – Mark Ballora  

Course Description

Techniques of computer-generated music production including aspects of MIDI, digital synthesis, and music programming

Required Textbooks (Open Access)

Burk, et al., Music and Computers {E-book} (Burk, et al. 2011)

Hass, Introduction to Computer Music {E-book} (Hass 2021)


Audacity | Max | MIDI | MSP | Digital Audio | Synthesis | Sequencing | Reason | Notation | See also: History

Course Documents

  1. Syllabus (pdf)
  2. Technology Survey (pdf)
  3. Creative Projects {Overview: Google Slides}
  4. Listening Activities (pdf)
  5. Digital Anthology
  6. Handouts
  7. Terms & Concepts
  8. Bibliography
  9. Software

Technical Overviews

  1. Audacity (pdf)
  2. Max Programming (pdf)
  3. MIDI (pdf)
  4. MSP Basics (pdf)
  5. How Digital Audio Works (pdf)
  6. Reason (pdf)

Burk et al., Music and Computers Chapter Overviews {Table of Contents}

  1. Ch. 1: The Digital Representation of Sound: Sound and Timbre (pdf)
  2. Ch. 2: The Digital Representation of Sound: Playing by the Numbers (pdf)
  3. Ch. 3: The Frequency Domain (pdf)
  4. Ch. 4: The Synthesis of Sound by Computer (pdf)
  5. Ch. 5: The Transformation of Sound by Computer (pdf)
Hass, Introduction to Computer Music {Table of Contents}

  1. Ch. 1: Acoustics
  2. Ch. 2: Studio Gear
  3. Ch. 3: MIDI
  4. Ch. 4: Synthesis
  5. Ch. 5: Digital Audio
  6. Ch. 6: History of Electronic and Computer Music
  7. Appendices

Magazines & Journals

  1. Create Digital Music (CDM)
  2. Computer Music Journal
  3. Journal of Music, Technology & Education
  4. Leonardo Music Journal
  5. Music Radar: Formerly Computer Music Magazine, Electronic Musician & Keyboard
  6. MusicTech
  7. Sound on Sound
  8. Synthtopia


  1. Funk, Music Production Podcast
  2. Grosse, Art + Music + Tech Podcast {Libsyn}
  3. Powell and Meinzer, Innovation Uncovered Podcast
  4. Waveshaper Media {YouTube Channel}

Cloud Storage

  1. USC Office 365
  2. Dropbox
  3. Google Drive

Music Library Resources

  1. FindIt @ USC Libraries
  2. Britannica Academic
  3. Harvard Dictionary
  4. Grove/Oxford
  5. JSTOR

Online Music Distribution

  1. Bandcamp
  2. Naxos Music Library
  3. SoundCloud
  4. Spotify
  5. YouTube

Main References

See also: BAIN MUSC 336 Bibliography & Articles

Burk, Phil, Larry Polansky, Douglas Repetto, Mary Roberts and Dan Rockmore. 2011. Music and Computers:  A Theoretical and Historical Approach, Archival Version. Available online at: <>.

Cycling, '74. 2021. Max 8 Documentation. San Francisco, CA: Cycling '74. Available online at: <>.

_________. 2005. Max: Getting Started, v. 4.5. San Francisco, CA: Cycling '74. (pdf)

Kirn, Peter. 2006. Real World Digital Audio. Berkeley: Peachpit Press. {GBd}

Hass, Jeffery. 2021. Introduction to Computer Music: An Electronic Textbook, 2nd ed. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University. Available online at: <>.

Updated: December 18, 2023

Reginald Bain | University of South Carolina | School of Music