Introduction to Computer Music

Learning Max (Basics)

Return to: MUSC 336

Terms & Concepts: See Max Programming Glossary

Cycling '74 Max 8 logo
  1. What is Max?
    Max is a visual programming environment for music and media
  2. What can you make with Max?
  3. Download Max
  4. Program of Study
  5. Documentation & C74 Tutorials

Cycling '74 (C74) –

Third-Party Video Tutorials

  1. Beginner
  2. Intermediate/Advanced


See: Winkler 1998, Manzo 2016, and Wright 2017

See also:

Related Applications

  1. Ableton Live {Ableton}
  2. Max for Live (M4L) {Ableton; C74}
  3. MIRA iPad App {C74}

What's Next?

BAIN MUSC 336 Learning MSP (Basics)

BAIN MUSC 336 Learning Max (Intermediate/Advanced)

Online Course

Matt Wright (Stanford University), Programming Max: Structuring Interactive Software for Digital Arts (Max 7) {Kadenza}


Manzo, V.J. 2016. Max/MSP/Jitter for Music: A Practical Guide to Developing Interactive Music Systems for Education and More, 2nd ed. New York, Oxford. {GB; Full text: Ebook Central}

Winkler, Todd. 2001/1998. Composing Interactive Music: Techniques and Ideas Using Max. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. {GB; Full text: PASCAL}

Wright, Matt. 2017. Programming Max: Structuring Interactive Software for Digital Arts. Valencia, CA: Kadenze. Available online at: <>.

Updated: October 17, 2023

Reginald Bain | University of South Carolina | School of Music