Projects in Computer Music

Learning SuperCollider

Links for my computer music students

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What is SuperCollider?

  1. SuperCollider Page {GitHub}
    SuperCollider is an audio server, programming language, and IDE for sound synthesis and algorithmic composition
  2. Wikipedia Article {WP}
  3. History:


SuperCollider for Mac, Windows, and Linux {GitHub}

See also:


  1. Documentation
  2. Quick Reference


Online (Open access):
Bruno Ruviaro, A Gentle Introduction to SuperCollider {CCRMA}
(Ruvario 2015)

Scott Wilson, David Michael Cottle & Nick Collins, The SuperCollider Book (Wilson et al. 2011)

Andrea Valle, Introduction to SuperCollider (Valle 2016)


  1. Video
  2. Other Recommended Tutorials {SC Wiki}
  3. Other Resources

Sonification with SuperCollider

See Learning Data Sonification


Cottle, David Michael. 2005. Computer Music with Examples in SuperCollider 3. Salt Lake City, UT. {SC Wiki}

Hermann, Thomas, Andy Hunt, and J. G. Neuhoff, eds. 2010 The Sonification Handbook. Berlin: Logos. Available online at: <>.

Koutsomichalis, Marinos. 2013. Mapping and Visualization with SuperCollider. Packt Publishing Ltd. {GB}

McCartney, James. 2002. "Rethinking the Computer Music Language: SuperCollider." Computer Music Journal (Vol. 26, No. 4, Winter): 61–68. {JSTOR}

Ruviaro, Bruno. 2015. A Gentle Introduction to SuperCollider. (November 20, 2015). Palo Alto, CA: CCRMA. Available online at: <>

Valle, Andrea. 2016. Introduction to SuperCollider. Berlin: Logos. {GB; Logos}

Wilson, Scott, David Cottle, and Nick Collins, eds. 2011. The SuperCollider Book. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. {GB; MIT Press; Code Examples: GitHub}

Updated: April 29, 2023

ReginaldBain | University of South Carolina | School of Music