Projects in Computer Music
Learning Data Sonification
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What is Sonification?
- Wikipedia entry {WP}
- Kramer, et al., Sonification Report {ICAD}
et al. 1997)
- Burk, et al., "Sonification,"
in Music and Computers (Burk et
al. 2011)
- Strickland, "Sonification: The Music of Data," from Two Minute
Music Theory {YouTube}
TED and TEDx Talks
- Wanda Diaz Merced, How a blind astronomer found a way to hear the
stars, TED 2016 {TED}
- Margaret Anne Schedel, Making data sing, TEDxSBU 2016
- Lily Asquith, Listening to data from the Large Hadron Collider,
TEDxZurich 2013 {YouTube}
- Mark Ballora, Opening Your Ears to Data (2011), TEDxPSU 2011
- Honor Harger: A history of the universe in sound, TEDSalon
London 2011 {TED}
- Janna Levin, The sound the universe makes, TED 2011 {TED}
- JoAnn Kuchera-Morin, Stunning data visualization in the
AlloSphere, TED 2009 {TED}
Sonfication using SuperCollider
Till Bovermann,
Julian Rohrhuber, and Alberto de Campo, "Laboratory Methods for
Experimental Sonification" (Hermann
2011 et al., Ch.
- Alberto
De Campo, Julian Rohrhuber, Till Bovermann, and Christopher
Frauenberger, "Sonification
and Auditory Display in SuperCollider" (Wilson,
et al. 2011, Ch. 13)
- Mark
Ballora, "Sonification, Science and Popular Music: In search of
the 'wow'" (Ballora 2014)
- See
also: Learning SuperCollider
Other Tools for Sonification
- Chuck
- Csound
- Pure Data
- Max
- Python
For a recent survey of tools for data
sonification, see Ch. 5 Towards a Data Sonification Design Framework, in
David Worrall's Sonification Design: From Data to Intelligible
Soundfields (Worrall 2019,
Sonfication Projects
- DNA Sonification Toolkit {}
(Temple 2017)
An auditory display tool for DNA sequence analysis
- Sonifyer {Sonifyer}
Supports audification, FM-based parameter mapping, and the sonification
of EEG, fMRI, and seismological data
- Sonification Sandbox {}
A simple, multi-platform, multi-purpose toolkit for sonifying data, the
Sonification Sandbox allows the user to map data to multiple auditory
parameters and add context using a graphical interface
- SoniPy {Home;
Source Forge}
(Worrall 2019)
A heterogeneous software environment for data sonification research
& auditory displays
- xSonify {Source
A Java-based sonification data analysis tool for displaying science data
as sounds, with an emphasis on supporting visually-impaired researchers
- CERN, ATLAS Open Data
Open access to proton-proton collision data at the LHC for educational
The home of the U.S. Government's open data
- NASA/IPAC, Extragalactic Database {NED}
- NASA, Space Physics Data
Data from most NASA Heliophysics missions
- NCBI, GenBank
The NIH genetic sequence database, an annotated collection of
all publicly available DNA sequences
Misc. Links
- International Community for Auditory Display {ICAD}
- Georgia Tech Sonification Lab {}
- Manaris
and Brown, Sonification and Big Data {Jython
- deCampo, et al., SonEnvir {}
- Worrall, Sonification Workshops and Tutorials: Data Sonification using
Python and Csound {ICAD
Mark. 2014. "Sonification, Science and Popular Music: In search of
the 'wow'." Organised Sound 19/1: 30–40. {Cambridge
Julian Rohrhuber, and Alberto de Campo. 2011.
"Laboratory Methods for Experimental Sonification." In the The
Sonification Handbook, edited by T. Hermann,
A. Hunt, and J. G. Neuhoff. Berlin: Logos
Publishing House. Available online at: <>.
Burk, Phil, Larry Polansky, Douglas Repetto, Mary Roberts, and
Dan Rockmore. Music and Computers: A Theoretical and Historical
Approach, Archival Edition. Available online at: <>.
Cabrera, Andrés. "Interactive Sonification with Csound." The Third
International Csound Conference (ICSC2015), St. Petersburg,
Russia, 2-4 October 2015. {Zenodo}
Alberto, Julian Rohrhuber, Till Bovermann, and Christopher Frauenberger.
2011. "Sonification and Auditory Display in SuperCollider." In The
SuperCollider Book, edited by Scott
Wilson, David Cottle, and Nick Collins. Cambridge,
MA: MIT Press.
Hermann, Thomas. 2008. "Taxonomy and Definitions for Sonification and
Auditory Display." Proceedings of the 14th International Conference
on Auditory Display. Paris, France. {SMARTech}
Hermann, Thomas., Andy Hunt and John G. Neuhoff, eds. 2011. The
Sonification Handbook. Berlin: Logos Publishing House. Available
online at: <>.
G., B. Walker, T. Bonebright, P. Cook, J. Flowers, N. Miner, and J.
Neuhoff. 1997. “Sonification Report: Status of the field and research
agenda,” Technical
Report. International Community for Auditory Display. {ICAD}
Manaris, Bill and Andrew R. Brown. 2014. Making
Music with Computers: Creative Programming in Python.
Boca Raton: CRC Press. {GB; CRC; Companion
Schedel Margaret. 2014. "Sounds of Science: The Mystique of
Sonification." Sounding Out! (October 9, 2014). Available
online at: <>.
Temple, Mark. 2017. "An Auditory display tool for DNA sequence analysis."
BMC Bioinformatics 18/221.
Available online at:
Scott, David Cottle, and Nick Collins, eds. 2011.
SuperCollider Book.
Cambridge: MIT Press. {GB}
Worrall, David. 2019. Sonification Design: From Data to
Intelligible Soundfields. New York: Springer. {GB}
Updated: May 7, 2021