MUSC 525
Post-Tonal Theory
Primary Sources
Ch. 1 Basic Concepts of Pitch and Interval, p. 42
Ch. 2 Pitch-Class Sets, p. 93
Ch. 3 Some Additional Properties and Relationships, p. 157
Ch. 4 Motive, Voice Leading, and Harmony, p. 225
Ch. 5 Centricity and Referential Pitch Collections, p. 292
Ch. 6 Basic Concepts of Twelve-Tone Music, pp. 376
We will engage historical perspectives, theoretical ideas, and analytic approaches from the following sources:
Antokoletz, Elliott. 1992. Twentieth-Century Music. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall. {GBd}
______________. 2014. A History of Twentieth-Century Music in a Theoretic-Analytical Context. New York: Routledge. {GB}
Babbitt, Milton. 2003. The Collected Essays of Milton Babbitt, edited by Stephen Peles, Stephen Dembski, Andrew Mead, and Joseph N. Straus. Princeton: Princeton University Press. {GB; Full text: JSTOR}
Brindle, Reginald Smith. 1966. Serial Composition. New York: Oxford University Press. {GBd}
__________________. 1987. The New Music: The Avant Garde Since 1945. New York: Oxford University Press. {GBd}
Castine, Peter. 1994. Set Theory Objects: Abstractions for Computer-aided Analysis and Composition of Serial and Atonal Music. Berlin: Peter Lang. {GB}
Cohn, Richard. 2012. Audacious Euphony: Chromatic Harmony and the Triad's Second Nature. New York: Oxford University Press. {GB; Companion Website}
Cook, Nicholas. 1987. A Guide To Musical Analysis. New York: Norton. {GB}
Cope, David. 2001. New Directions in Music, 7th ed. Long Grove, IL: Waveland Press. {GBd}
Forte, Allen. 1973. The Structure of Atonal Music. New Haven: Yale University Press. {GB}
Friedmann, Michael L. 1990. Ear Training for Twentieth-Century Music. New Haven: Yale University Press. {GB}
Hanninen, Dora. 2012. A Theory of Music Analysis: On Segmentation and Associative Organization. Rochester: University of Rochester Press. {GB}
Hanson, Howard. 1960. Harmonic Materials of Modern Music: Resources of the Tempered Scale. New York: Appleton-Century Crofts. {GBd;}
Harrison, Daniel. 2016. Pieces of Tradition: An Analysis of Contemporary Tonal Music. New York: Oxford University Press. {GB}
Griffiths, Paul. Modern Music and After, 3rd ed. New York: Oxford, 2011. {GB}
Johnson, Timothy A. 2008. Foundations of Diatonic Theory. Lanham, MD: Scarecrow Press. {GB}
Johnson, Tom. 2015. Other Harmony: Beyond Tonal and Atonal. Paris: Editions 75. {GB}
Kostka, Stefan and Matthew Santa. 2018. Materials and Techniques of Post-Tonal Music, 5th ed. New York: Routledge. {GB}
Krenek, Ernst. 1940. Studies in Counterpoint: Based on the Twelve-Tone Technique. New York: G. Schirmer.
Lambert, Philip. Basic Post-Tonal Theory and Analysis. New York: Oxford, 2018. {GBd}
Lester, Joel. 1989. Analytic Approaches to Twentieth-Century Music. New York: Norton. {GBd}
Lewin, David. 1987. Generalized Musical Intervals and Transformations (GMIT). New Haven: Yale University Press. {GB}
__________. 2007. Musical Form and Transformation: Four Analytic Essays. New York: Oxford University Press. {GB}
Mead, Andrew. 1994. An Introduction to the Music of Milton Babbitt. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. {GB}
Morris, Robert. 2010. The Whistling Blackbird: Essays and Talks on New Music. Rochester: University of Rochester Press. {GB}
____________. 1987. Composition with Pitch Classes. New Haven: Yale University Press. {GBd}
____________. 1991a. Class Notes for Atonal Theory. Lebanon, NH: Frog Peak {GBd}
____________. 1991b. Class Notes for Advanced Atonal Theory. Lebanon, NH: Frog Peak. {GBd}
Paolo, Susanni and Elliott Antokoletz. 2012. Music and Twentieth-Century Tonality: Harmonic Progression Based on Modality and the Interval Cycles. New York: Routledge. {GB; Full text: Ebook Central}
Pearsall, Edward. 2012. Twentieth-Century Music Theory and Practice. New York: Routledge. {GB; Full text: E-book Central}
Perle, George. 1997/1966. Twelve-Tone Tonality. Berkeley: University of California Press. {1/e: GB; 2/e: GB}
___________. 1991/1962. Serial Composition and Atonality, 6th ed. Berkeley: University of California Press. {GB}
___________. 1990. The Listening Composer. Berkeley: University of California Press. {GB; Full text: EBSCOhost}Rahn, John. 1980. Basic Atonal Theory. New York: Longman. {GBd}
Roig-Francolí, Miguel A. 2008. Understanding Post-Tonal Music. New York: McGraw Hill. {GBd}
Schuijer, Michiel. 2008. Analyzing Atonal Music: Pitch-Class Set Theory and Its Contexts. Rochester, NY: University of Rochester Press. {GB}
Straus, Joseph N. 2022. The Art of Post-Tonal Analysis: Thirty-Three Graphic Music Analyses. New York: Oxford. {GB}
_____________. 2016. Introduction to Post-Tonal Theory, 4th ed. New York: Norton. {GB}
_____________. 2009. Twelve-Tone Music in America. New York: Cambridge University Press. {GBd}
_____________. 2005. Introduction to Post-Tonal Theory, 3rd ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. {GBd}
_____________. 2001. Stravinsky's Late Music. New York: Cambridge University Press. {GB}
Toussaint, Gottfried. 2019. The Geometry of Musical Rhythm: What Makes a "Good" Rhythm Good?, 2nd ed. Boca Raton, FL. {GB; Full text: Ebook Central}
Tymoczko, Dmitri. 2011. A Geometry of Music: Harmony and Counterpoint in the Extended Common Practice. New York: Oxford University Press. {GB}
Whittall, Arnold. 2008. Serialism. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. {GB}
Williams, J. Kent. 1997. Theories and Analyses of Twentieth-Century Music. New York: Harcourt Brace. {GBd}
Wittlich, Gary, et al. 1975. Aspects of Twentieth-Century Music. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall. {GBd}
Wuorinen, Charles. 1979/1994. Simple Composition. New York: C.F. Peters. {GBd}
(by Composer)
If you are interested in learning more about the music of one of the following composers we will study in class, you may wish to consult the following books.
Everett, Yayoi Uno. 2006. The Music of Louis Andriessen. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. {GB}
Babbitt, Milton. 1987. Words about Music, ed. Stephen Dembski and Joseph N. Straus. Madison, WI: University of Wisconson Press. {GB}
Mead, Andrew. 1994. An Introduction to the Music of Milton Babbitt. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. {GB}
Antokoletz, Elliott. 1984. The Music of Béla Bartók: A Study of Tonality and Progression in Twentieth-Century Music. Berkeley: University of California Press. {GB}
Lendvai, Erno. 1971. Béla Bartók: An Analysis of His Music. London: Kahn & Averil. {GBd}
Wilson, Paul. 1992. The Music of Bela Bartok. New Haven: Yale University Press. {GB}
Headlam, David. 1996. The Music of Alban Berg. New Haven: Yale University Press. {GB; JSTOR}
Jarman, Douglas. 1979. The Music of Alban Berg. Berkeley: University of California Press. {GB}
Perle, George. 2001. Style and Idea in the Lyric Suite of Alban Berg, 2nd ed. Pendragon Press. {GB}
Halfyard, Janet K., ed. 2007. Berio's Sequenzas: Essays on Performance, Composition and Analysis. Burlington, VT: Ashgate. {GB}
Cross, Jonathan. 2000. Harrison Birtwistle: Man, Mind, Music. Ithaca: Cornell University Press. {GB}
Koblyakov, Lev. 1990. Pierre Boulez: World of Harmony. Chur, Switzerland: Harwood. {GB}
Nicholis, David. 2002. The Cambridge Companion to John Cage. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. {GB}
Capuzzo, Guy. 2012. Elliott Carter's What Next? Communication, Cooperation, and Separation. Rochester: University of Rochester Press. {GB}
Carter, Elliot. 2002. Elliott Carter Harmony Book, edited by Nicholas Hopkins and John F. Link. New York: Carl Fischer. {GB}
Schiff, David. 1988. The Music of Elliott Carter, 2nd ed. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press. {GB}
Crawford Seeger
Straus, Joseph N. 2003. The Music of Ruth Crawford Seeger. Cambridge University Press {GB}
Alegant, Brian. 2010. The Twelve-Tone Music of Luigi Dallapiccola. Rochester, NY: University of Rochester Press. {GB}
Parks, Richard. 1989. The Music of Claude Debussy. New Haven: Yale University Press. {GBd}
Howat, Roy. 1983. Debussy in Proportion: A Musical Analysis. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1983. {GB}
Parsons, Laurel and Brenda Ravenscroft, eds. 2016. Analytical Essays on Music by Women Composers: Concert Music, 1960-2000 (Beecroft, Gubaidulina, Larsen, Lutyens, Mamlok, Tower & Saariaho). New York: Oxford University Press. {GB; OUP}
Neumeyer, David. 1986. The Music of Paul Hindemith. New Haven: Yale University Press. {GBd}
Lambert, Philip. 1997. The Music of Charles Ives. New Haven: Yale University Press. {GB}
Harries, Meirion and Susie Harries. 1989. A Pilgrim Soul: The Life and Work of Elisabeth Lutyens. New York: Faber & Faber. {GB}
Mathias, Rhiannon. 2013. Lutyens, Maconchy, Williams and Twentieth-Century British Music: A Blest Trio of Sirens. New York: Ashgate. {GB}
Stucky, Steven. 1981. Lutoslawski and His Music. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1981. {GB}
Levy, Benjamin. 2017. Metamorphosis in Music: The Compositions of György Ligeti in the 1950s and 1960s. New York: Oxford University Press. {GB}
Roxane Lise. 2003. "A Woman Composer Among Men: A Theoretical Study of
Ursula Mamlok's Serial Works." PhD Dissertation. State University of New
York at Buffalo. {GB}
Messiaen, Olivier. 1956/1944. Technique of my musical language. Paris: Leduc. {GB}
Pople, Anthony. 1998. Messiaen: Quartet for the End of Time. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. {GB}
Gann, Kyle. 1995. The Music of Conlon Nancarrow. New York: Cambridge University Press. {GB}
Minturn, Neil. 1997. The Music of Sergei Prokofiev. New Haven: Yale University Press. {GBd}
Tim, Jon Hargreaves, and Michael Rofe. 2011. Kaija Saariaho:
Visions, Narratives, Dialogues. New York: Ashgate. {GB}
Moisala, Pirkko. 2010. Kaija Saariaho. Champaign, IL: University of Illinois Press. {GB}
Boss, Jack. 2019. Schoenberg's Atonal Music: Musical Idea, Basic Image, and Specters of Tonal Function. New York: Cambridge University Press. {GB; Cambridge Core}
_________. 2014. Schoenberg's Twelve-Tone Music: Symmetry and the Musical Idea. New York: Cambridge University Press {GB; EBSCOhost]
Dudeque, Norton. 2005. Music Theory and Analysis in the Writings of Arnold Schoenberg (1974-1951). Burlington, VT: Ashgate. {GB}
Frisch, Walter, ed. Schoenberg and His World. Princeton: Princeton University Press. {E-BOOK: JSTOR}
Haimo, Ethan. 1990. Schoenberg's Serial Odyssey: The Evolution of His Twelve-Tone Method 1914-1928. Oxford: Clarendon Press. {GBd}
Schoenberg, Arnold, Leonard Stein, ed, and Leo Black, trans. 1984. Style and Idea: Selected Writings of Arnold Schoenberg. Berkeley: University of California Press. {GB}
Simms, Bryan. 2002. The Atonal Music of Arnold Schoenberg, 1908-1923. New York: Oxford University Press. {GB}
Baker, James. 1986. The Music of Alexander Scriabin. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1986. {GBd}
Cross, Jonathan. 1998. Stravinsky Legacy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. {GB}
_____________. 2003. The Cambridge Companion to Stravinsky. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. {GB}
Forte, Allen. 1978. The Harmonic Organization of the Rite of Spring. Yale University Press. {GB}
Kuster, Andrew Thomas. 2000. Stravinsky's Topology: An Examination of his Twelve-Tone Works {GB}
Pasler, Jann, ed. 1986. Confronting Stravinsky. Berkeley: University of California Press. {GB}
Straus, Joseph N. 2001. Stravinsky's Late Music. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press. {GB}
Taruskin, Richard. 1996. Stravinsky and the Russian Traditions, Vol 1. & Vol. 2. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1996. {GB}
Van den Toorn, Pieter C. 1983. The Music of Igor Stravinsky. New Haven: Yale University Press. {GB}
___________________. 1987. Stravinsky and The Rite of Spring. Berkeley: University of California Press. {Full text: UC Press E-book}
Harvey, Jonathan. 1975. The Music of Stockhausen. Berkeley, University of California Press. {GB}
Maconie, Robin. 1989. Stockhausen on Music. London: M. Boyars. {GBd}
_____________. 1990. The Works of Karlheinz Stockhausen, 2nd ed. Oxford: Clarendon Press. {GBd}
_____________. 2005. Other Planets: The Music of Karlheinz Stockhausen. Lanham, MD: The Scarecrow Press, Inc. {GB}
Bailey, Kathryn. 1991. The Twelve-Note Music of Anton Webern. New York: Cambridge University Press. {GB}
Forte, Allen. 1999. The Atonal Music of Anton Webern. New Haven: Yale University Press. {GBd}
Bernard, Jonathan. 1987. The Music of Edgard Varčse. New Haven: Yale University Press. {GBd}
Miller, Leta E. and J. Michele Edwards. 2020. Chen Yi. Champaign, IL: University of Illinois Press. {GB}
Other Composers
Boss, Jack, Brad Osborn, and Tim S. Pack, eds. 2014. Analyzing the Music of Living Composers (and Others). New York: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. {GB}
Parsons, Laurel and Brenda Ravenscroft, eds. 2016. Analytical Essays on Music by Women Composers: Concert Music, 1960-2000 (Beecroft, Gubaidulina, Larsen, Lutyens, Mamlok, Tower & Saariaho). New York: Oxford University Press. {GB; OUP}
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Reginald Bain | University
of South Carolina | School of