Post-Tonal Theory
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Agmon, Eyton 2013. The Languages of Western Tonality. New York: Springer. {GB}
Amiot, Emmanuel. 2016. Music Through Fourier Space: Discrete Fourier Transform in Music Theory. New York: Springer. {GB}
Ashton, Anthony. 2003. Harmonograph: A Visual Guide to the Mathematics of Music. New York: Bloomsbury. {GB}
Arom. Simha. 2004. African Polyphony and Polyrhythm. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. {GB}
Babbitt, Milton. 2003. The Collected Essays of Milton Babbitt, edited by Stephen Peles, Stephen Dembski, Andrew Mead, and Joseph N. Straus. Princeton: NJ: Princeton University Press. {GB}
Bamberger, Jeanne. 2000. Developing Musical Intuitions: A Project-based Introduction to Making and Understanding Music. New York: Oxford University Press. {GBd}
Benson, David. 2007. Music: A Mathematical Offering. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. {GB | Website}
Calter, Paul A. 2008. Squaring
the Circle: Geometry in Art and Architecture. New York: John Wiley
& Sons Inc. {GBd
| Website}
Chew, Elaine. 2013. Mathematical and Computational Modeling of
Tonality: Theory and Applications. New York: Springer. {GB}
Christensen, Thomas. 2002. The Cambridge History of Western Music Theory. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. {GB}
Cohn, Richard. 2012. Audacious Euphony. New York: Oxford. {GB}
Cowell, Henry. 1996/1996. New Musical Resources. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. {GB}
Douthett, Jack M. Martha M. Hyde, Charles J. Smith, and John Clough, 2008. Music Theory and Mathematics: Chords, Collections, and Transformations. Rochester, NY: University of Rochester Press. {GB}
David S. and Richard M. Foote. 2003. Abstract Algebra, 3rd
ed. New York: John Wiley & Sons. {GB}
Forte, Allen. 1973. The Structure of Atonal Music. New Haven: Yale University Press.
Gann, Kyle. 2019. The Arithmetic of Listening: Tuning Theory and History for the Impractical Musician. Champaign, IL: University of Illinois Press. {GBd; Companion Website}
_________. 2006/1995. The Music of Conlon Nancarrow. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. {GB}
Gollin, Michael and Alexander Rehding, eds. 2011. The Oxford Handbook of Neo-Riemannian Music Theories. New York: Cambridge University Press. {GB}
Hardy, G.H. and E.M. Wright. 2008/1938. An Introduction to the Theory of Numbers, 6th ed. New York: Oxford University Press. {GB}
Headlam, David. 1996. The Music of Alban Berg. New Haven: Yale University Press. {GB}
Hofstadter, Douglas. 1979. Gödel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid. New York: Basic Books. {GBd; WP}
Hook, Julian. 2022. Exploring Musical Spaces: A Synthesis of Mathematical Approaches. New York: Oxford. {GB}
Howat, Roy. 1983. Debussy in Proportion. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. {GB}
Jedrejewski, Frank. 2006. Mathematical Theory of Music. Paris: Ircam-Centre Pompidou. {Delatour}
Johnson, Tim. 2008. Foundations of Diatonic Theory: A Mathematically Based Approach to Music Fundamentals. Lanham, MD: Scarecrow Press. {GB}
Johnson, Tom. 2014. Other Harmony.
Paris: Editions 75. {GB;
___________. 1996. Self-Similar
Melodies. Paris: Editions 75. {GB;
Johnson, Tom and Franck Jedrzejewski. 2013. Looking at Numbers. New York: Springer. {GB}
Kung, David. 2013. How Music and Mathematics Relate. DVD. Chantilly, VA: The Great Courses. {Website}
Lerdahl, Fred. 2001. Tonal Pitch Space. New York: Oxford University Press. {GB}
Lerdahl, Fred and Ray Jackendoff. 1983. A Generative Theory of Tonal Music. Cambridge: MIT Press. {GB}
Lewin, David. 1987/2007. Generalized Musical Intervals and Transformations. New York: Oxford University Press. {GB}
Lipschutz, Seymour. 1998. Schaum's Outline of Set Theory and Related Topics, 2nd ed. New York: McGraw Hill.
Lipschutz, Seymour and Marc Lipson. 2009. Schaum's Outline of Discrete Mathematics, 3rd ed. New York: McGraw Hill.
Loy, D. G. 2006. Musimathics: The Mathematical Foundations of Music, Vol. 1-2. Cambridge, Mass: MIT Press. {GB1; GB2; Website}
Mazzola, Guerino, Maria Mannone, and Yan Pang. 2016. Cool Math for Hot Music: A First Introduction to Mathematics for Music Theorists. New York: Springer. {GB}
Messiaen, Olivier. 1956/1944. The Technique of My Musical Language, translated by John Satterfield. Paris: A. Leduc. {GBd}
Montiel, Mariana and Francisco Gómez. 2018. Theoretical and Practical Pedagogy of Mathematical Music Theory: Music for Mathematics and Mathematics for Musicians, from School to Postgraduate Levels. Singapore: World Scientific. {GB; Full-text: UofSC OPAC}
Montiel, Mariana and Robert William Peck. 2018. Mathematical Music Theory: Algebraic, Geometric, Combinatorial, Topological and Applied Approaches to Understanding Musical Phenomena. Singapore: World Scientific. {GB; Full-text: UofSC OPAC}
Morris, Robert. 1987. Composition with Pitch Classes. New Haven: Yale University Press. {GBd}
___________. 2001a. Class Notes for Atonal Theory. Lebanon, NH: Frog Peak. {GBd}
___________. 2001b. Class Notes for Advanced Atonal Theory. Lebanon, NH: Frog Peak. {GBd}
Papadopoulos, Athanase. 2015. "Mathematics and Group Theory in Music." Handbook of Group Actions, 2/32: 525-572. {HAL}
Pareyon, et al., ed. The
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The Musical-Mathematical Mind : Patterns and Transformations, edited by
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ProQuest Ebook Central,
Pierce, John. 1992. The Science of Musical Sound. W H Freeman. {GBd}
Pinter, Charles. 1990. A Book of Abstract Algebra, 2nd ed. Mineola, NY: Dover {GB}
Rings, Steven. 2011. Tonality and Transformation. New York: Oxford University Press. {GBd}
Roberts, Gareth E. 2016. From Music to Mathematics: Exploring the Connections. Baltimore, MD: John Hopkins University Press. {GB}
Roederer, Juan. 2008. The Physics and Psychophysics of Music: An Introduction, 4th ed. New York: Springer. {GB}
Rothstein, Edward. 2006/1995. Emblems of Mind: The Inner Life of Music and Mathematics. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. {GBd}
Schuijer, Michiel. 2008. Analyzing Atonal Music: Pitch-Class Set Theory and Its Contexts. Rochester: University of Rochester Press. {GB}
Schillinger, Joseph. 1943. The Mathematical Basis of the Arts. New York: Philosophical Library. {GBd;}
_______________. 1946. The Schillinger System of Musical Composition. New York: Carl Fischer. {GBd1; GBd2;}
Straus, Joseph N. 2016. Introduction to Post-Tonal Theory, 4th ed. New York: Norton. {GBd}
Tatlow, Ruth. 2015. Bach's Numbers: Compositional Proportion and Significance. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. {GB}
Temperley, David. 2010. Music and Probability. Cambridge: MIT Press. {GBd}
Toussaint, Godfried T. 2019/2013. The Geometry of Musical Rhythm: What Makes a "Good" Rhythm Good?, 2nd ed. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press. {GB}
Tymoczko, Dmitri. 2011. A Geometry of Music: Harmony and Counterpoint in the Extended Common Practice. New York: Oxford University Press. {Full text: Ebook Central; GB | OUP | Companion Website | Author's Website}
Walker, James S. and Gary Don. 2013. Mathematics and Music. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press. {GB}
Wolfram, Stephen. 2002. A New Kind of Science. Champaign, IL: Wolfram Media. {Full-text:}
Xenakis, Iannis. 1992. Formalized Music: Thought and Mathematics in Composition. Pendragon Revised Edition. Hillsdale, NY. {GB}
Bridges: Mathematics, Art, Music, Architecture, Culture {The Bridges Organization}
Journal of Music and Mathematics {Taylor & Francis}
Leonardo {MIT Press} & Leonardo Music Journal {MIT Press}
Proceedings of the Mathematics and Computation in Music (MCM) Conference: 2007 | 2009 | 2011 | 2013 | 2015 | 2017 | 2019 | 2022
Theory Journals: Music Theory Online {MTO}; Music Theory Spectrum {Oxford Academic}; Perspectives of New Music {PNM}
Abstract Algebra
Socratica, Abstract Algebra
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