Geometrical Music Theory


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Andreatta, Moreno, Emmanuel Amiot, and Jason Yust. 2020. "Introduction." Journal of Mathematics and Music 14/2: 107–13. {Issue: JoMM}

Balzano, Gerald J. "The Group-Theoretic Description of 12-Fold and Microtonal Pitch Systems." Computer Music Journal 4/4 (Winter 1980): 66–88. {JSTOR}

Clough, John and J. Douthett. 1991. "Maximally Even Sets." Journal of Music Theory 35/1-2 (Spring - Autumn, 1991): 93–173. {JSTOR}

Cuthbert, Michael Scott and Christopher Ariza. "music21: A Toolkit for Computer-Aided Musicology and Symbolic Music Data," in J. Stephen Downie and Remco C. Veltkamp (Eds.). 11th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference (ISMIR 2010), August 9-13, 2010, Utrecht, Netherlands: 637–642. {DSpace@MIT; Review: Tymoczko 2013}

Bamberger, Jeanne and Andrea Disessa. 2003. "Music as Embodied Mathematics: A Study of Mutually Informing Affinity." International Journal of Computers for Mathematical Learning 8: 123–160. {ResearchGate}

Bergomi, Mattia G. and Adriano Baratè. 2020. "Homological persistence in time series: an application to music classification." Journal of Mathematics and Music 14/2: 204–221. {Issue: JoMM}

Biamonte, Nicole. 2010. “Triadic Modal and Pentatonic Patterns in Rock Music.” Music Theory Spectrum 32/2 (Fall 2010): 95-110. {JSTOR}

Blot, Guillaume, Fracis Rousseaux, and Pierre Saurel. 2017. "Melody and Rhythm Through Network Visualization Techniques. International Symposium on Computer Music Multidisciplinary Research. {ResearchGate}

Brothers, Harlan. 2022a. "The Nature of Fractal Music." Science Spectrum (December 27, 2022).

_____________. 2022b. "Giant Steps: The Fractal Structure of John Coltrane’s Iconic Solo." Towards Data Science (August 28, 2022).

Callender, Clifton, Ian Quinn and Dmitri Tymoczko. 2008. "Generalized Voice-Leading Spaces." Science 320/587: 346-348. {Science; JSTOR; Website}

Capuzzo, Guy. 2004. "Neo-Riemannian Theory and the Analysis of Pop-Rock Music." Music Theory Spectrum 26/2: 177–199. {JSTOR}

Chew, Elaine. 2007. “Out of the Grid and Into the Spiral : Geometric Interpretations of and Comparisons with the Spiral-Array Model.” Computing in Musicology 15 (2007): 51-72. {Semantic Scholar}

Clough, John and Gerald Myerson. 1986. "Musical Scales and the Generalized Circle of Fifths." The American Mathematical Monthly, 93/9: 695–701. {JSTOR}

Cohn, Richard. 2016. "A Platonic Model of Funky Rhythms." Music Theory Online 22/2 (June 2016). {MTO}

___________. 1998a. "Introduction to Neo-Riemannian Theory: A Survey and a Historical Perspective." Journal of Music Theory 42/2 (1998): 167–180. {JSTOR}

___________. 1998b. "Music Theory’s New Pedagogability." Music Theory Online 4/2 (March 1998). {MTO}

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Coxeter, H. S. M. "Music and Mathematics." The Mathematics Teacher 61/3 (March 1968): 312–320. {JSTOR}

Crans, Alissa, Thomas M. Fiore, and Ramon Satyendra. 2009. "Musical Actions of Dihedral Groups." American Mathematical Monthly 116/6: 479-495. {JSTOR}

Demaine, Erik D., Francisco Gomez-Martin, Henk Meijer, David Rappaport, Perouz Taslakian, Godfried T. Toussaint, Terry Winograd, David R. Wood. "The distance geometry of music." Computational Geometry 42/5 (July 2009): 429-454. {Science Direct}

Devlin, Keith. 2013. "What is Mathematics," from Introduction to Mathematical Thinking (Fall 2013). {Coursera}

Douthett, Jack, & Krantz, Richard J. 2008. "Dinner Tables and Concentric Circles: A Harmony of Mathematics, Music, and Physics." The College Mathematics Journal, 39/3: 203–211. {JSTOR}

Engebretsen, Nora and Per F. Broman. 2007. "Transformational Theory in the Undergraduate Curriculum - A Case for Teaching the Neo-Riemannian Approach." Journal of Music Theory Pedagogy 21 (2007). {JMTP}

Evans, Brian. 1992. "Number as Form and Content: A Composer's Path of Inquiry." Leonardo 25/3-4 (Visual Mathematics: Special Double Issue, 1992): 303–311. {JSTOR}

Frederick, Leah. 2023. "Diatonic Voice-Leading Transformations." Music Theory Spectrum 46/1 (Spring 2024): 37–69. {Oxford Academic}

Gjerdingen, Robert and Janet Bourne. 2015. "Schema Theory as a Construction Grammar." Music Theory Online 21.2. {MTO}

Gollin, Edward. 2004. "On David Lewin's 'Projective Geometry' and the Aesthetic of Variety." Perspectives of New Music, 42/2 (Summer 2004): 6–10. {JSTOR}

Haack, Joel K. "Clapping Music: A Combinatorial Problem." The College Mathematics Journal 22/3 (May 1991): 224–227. {JSTOR}

Hall, Rachel W. 2008a. Geometrical Music Theory. Science 320/5874 (2008): 328-329. {Science; JSTOR}

____________. 2008b. "Math for Poets and Drummers." Math Horizons 15/3 (February 2008): 10–11, 24. {JSTOR}

Hall, Rachel W. and Paul Klingsberg. 2004. "Asymmetric Rhythms and Tiling Canons." The American Mathematical Monthly 113/10 (December 2006): 887–896. {JSTOR; See also: Bridges 2004}

Himpel, Benjamin. 2022. "Geometry of Music Perception." Mathematics 10/24 (4793). {MDPI}

Hook, Julian. 2018. "Teaching Mathematical Techniques in Music Theory." In The Norton Guide to Teaching Music Theory, edited by Rachel Lumsden and Jeffrey Swinkin. New York: Norton, pp. 88–104. {GB}

__________. 2007. "Why Are There Twenty-Nine Tetrachords? A Tutorial on Combinatorics and Enumeration in Music Theory.* Music Theory Online 13/4 (December 2007). {MTO; Examples}

__________. 2007b. "Review: David Lewin and the Complexity of the Beautiful." Intégral 21 (2007): 155–190. {Intégral}

__________. 2006. "Exploring Musical Space." Science 313/5783: 49–50. {Science; JSTOR}

__________. 2002. "Hearing With Our Eyes: The Geometry of Musical Space." In Bridges: Mathematical Connections in Art, Music, and Science Conference Proceedings: 123–134. {Bridges Archive}

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_________. 1983b. "Bartók, Lendvai and the Principles of Proportional Analysis." Music Analysis 2/1 (Mar., 1983): 69–95. {JSTOR}

Hughes, Bryn. 2023. "Neo-Riemannian Triadic Progressions," in Mark Gotham, et al. Open Music Theory, Version 2. {OMT2}

Hsü, Kenneth J. and Andreas J. Hsü. 1990. "Fractal Geometry of Music." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 87/3 (1990): 938-941. {JSTOR}

Hunter, David J. and Paul T. von Hippel. 2003. "How Rare Is Symmetry in Musical 12-Tone Rows?" The American Mathematical Monthly 110/2: 124–132. {JSTOR}

Hyer, Brian. 1995. "Reimag(in)ing Riemann." Journal of Music Theory 39: 101–138.

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Kramer, Jonathan. 1973. "The Fibonacci Series in Twentieth-Century Music." Journal of Music Theory 17/1 (Spring 1973): 110–48. {JSTOR}

Lehman, Frank. 2014. "Film Music and Neo-Riemannian Theory." Oxford Handbook Topics in Music. {Full text: Oxford Handbooks}

Lewin, David. 2004. "Some Compositional Uses of Projective Geometry." Perspectives of New Music 42/2 (Summer 2004): 12–63. {JSTOR}

Liu, Yang and Godfried T. Toussaint. 2012. "Mathematical Notation, Representation, and Visualization of Musical Rhythm: A Comparative Perspective." International Journal of Machine Learning and Computing (IJMLC 2012): 261–265. {; IJML}

Lockhead, Judy. 2001. "Hearning Chaos." American Music 19/2 (Summer 2001): 210–246. {JSTOR}

London, Justin. 2002. "Some Non-Isomorphisms between Pitch and Time." Journal of Music Theory 46/1-2 (Spring - Autumn 2002): 127–151.

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Moss, Fabian C., Markus Neuwirth, and Martin Rohrmeier. 2023. "The line of fifths and the co-evolution of tonal pitch-classes." Journal of Mathematics and Music 17/2. {JoMM}

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Roeder, John. 2014. "Transformation in Post-Tonal Music." The Oxford Handbook Topics in Music. {Oxford Academic}

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Thomson, David. "Musical Polygons." Mathematics Today (Apring 2021): 50-51. {IMA}

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Music and Mathematics Journals and Conference Proceedings
Bridges: Mathematics, Art, Music, Architecture, Culture {The Bridges Archive}

Journal of Music and Mathematics {Taylor & Francis}

Leonardo {MIT Press} & Leonardo Music Journal {MIT Press}

MusMat: Brazilian Journal of Music and Mathematics {}

Proceedings of the Mathematics and Computation in Music (MCM) Conference: 2007 | 2009 | 2011 | 2013 | 2015 | 2017 | 2019 | 2022 | 2024

Music Theory Journals

Music Theory Online {MTO}

Music Theory Spectrum
{Oxford Academic}

Perspectives of New Music {PNM}

Intégral: The Journal of Applied Musical Thought {Eastman}

Updated: February 22, 2025

Reginald Bain | University of SouthCarolina | School of Music