Geometrical Music Theory
Terms & Concepts
- Acoustics {WP} (Rossing, et al. 2002)
- Combination tone {WP}
- Harmonic series {WP}
- Helmholtz, On the Sensations of Tone (1863) {WP}
(Helmholtz 1863)
- Musical tone {WP}
- Pitch, Intensity, Duration, and Timbre
- Pure tone {WP}
- Sound
- Waveform modal {WP}
- Spectr {WP}
- -----
- See also: Psychoacoustics {WP}
- Art
- Herrad of Landsberg, Hortus deliciarum (12th c.) {WP}
- Philosophy and the seven liberal arts {WP}
- Bible moralisée (c. 1250) {WP}
- God the Geometer {WP},
- Robert Flood, Temple of Music (1617-1618) {BibliOdyssy}
- Johannes Kepler (1671-1730) {BA;
- Mysterium Cosmographicum (1596) {WP}
- Platonic solids {WP},
- Athanasius Kircher (1602-1680) {WP}
- Musurgia Universalis (1650) {WP}
- William Blake (1757-1827) {BA;
- Europe a Prophecy (1794) {WP}
- The Ancient of Days, frontispiece
- Newton (1795), monotype {WP}
- Vassily Kandinsky(1866-1944( {MoMA}
- M.C. Escher (1898-1972) {BA;
- Aaron Koblin (b. 1982), Flight Patterns (2011) {Art
Institute of Chicago; TED}
- Analysis {Grove}
(Bent & Pople 2001}
- Corpus analysis (White 2022)
- Computational music theory {WP}
- Graphic music analysis
- See Straus, The Art of Post-Tonal Analysis (Straus 2022)
- Geometric approaches
- Tymoczko, A Geometry of Music (Tymoczko 2011)
- Cohn, Audacious Euphony (Cohn 2012)
- Toussaint, The Geometry of Musical Rhythm (Toussaint 2013)
- Hook, Exploring Musical Spaces (Hook 2023)
- Ancient Greek philosophers and mathematicians
- Pythagoras {BA}
- Socrates {BA}
- Plato {BA}
- Allegory of the cave {WP}
- Analogy of the divided line {WP}
- Timaeus {WP}
- Republic {WP}
- Aristotle {BA}
- Euclid {BA}
- Arithmetic {WP}
- Boethius, Fundamentals of Music (c. 1490) {WP} (Bauer 1989)
- Change ringing {WP}
- Chaos theory {BA;
- Chromatic circle {WP}
- Circle of fifths {WP}
- Circle-of-fifths transform (McCartin
- Collections, see Scale Theory
- Color theory
- Color music {BA}
- Color wheel {BA}
- Coltrane circle {Open
- Combinatorics {WP}
- Binomial theorem {WP}
- Mathematical Objects
- Set {MW};
unordered, no duplications
- Multiset {MW};
unordered, with duplications
- Permutation {MW};
ordered, no duplications
- Sequence {MW};
ordered, with duplications
- Necklaces and bracelets {WP;
Davies 2009}
- Other
- Pigeonhole principle {WP}
- Consonance and dissonance {WP}
- Complexity {WP}
- Cymatics {WP}
- Data science {WP}
- Diatonic set theory {WP}
(Johnson 2008)
- Generated collection {WP}
- Interval cycles {WP}
- Maximal evenness {WP}
- -----
- Diatonic dualism {WP}
- Specific and generic intervals {WP}
- Deep scale property (jpg)
- Cardinality equals variety {WP}
- Structure equals multiplicity {WP}
- Dimension {WP}
- Euclid, Elements (c. 300 BCE) {WP}
(Fitzpatrick 2008)
- Field {WP}
- Field extensions {WP}
- Fourier transform {WP}
- Fractal {WP}
- Fractal dimension {WP}
- Mandelbrot set {WP}
- Sierpinski triangle {WP}
- Self similarity {WP}
- Function {WP}
- Geometric objects
- Point {WP}
- Line {WP}
- Line segment
- Circle {WP}
- Polygon {WP}
- Other
- Double helix {WP}
- Golden ratio {WP}
- Helix {WP}
- Line {WP}
- Lissajous curve {WP}
- Möbius strip {WP}
- Platonic solids {WP}
- Sphere {WP}
- Spiral {WP}
- Tiling, or tessellation {WP}
- Geometric transformations {WP}
- Translation {WP}
- Rotation {WP}
- Reflection {WP}
- Glide Reflection {WP}
- -----
- Isometry {WP}
- Map {WP}
- Scaling {WP}
- Geometry {WP}
- Non-Euclidean geometry {WP}
- Differential geometry {WP}
- Graph theory {WP}
- Graph
- Edges
- Directed vs. undirected
- Hamiltonian path {HP}
- Group theory {WP}
- Abelian group {WP}
- Cyclic group {WP}
- Dihedral group {WP}
- Group, definition {WP}
- Listing of small groups {WP}
- Symmetry group {WP}
- Wallpaper group {WP}
- -----
- Musical groups:
- PLR group
- Serial-four group (Morris 2007)
- Harmonic series {WP}
- Harmony {BA}
- Illusions {Deutsch}
- Shepard tones
- Tritone paradox
- Ruben vase {WP}
- Nekar cube {WP}
- Penrose triangle {WP}
- Penrose stairs {WP}
- Information theory {WP}
(Shannon 1948; Pierce 1980)
- Inversion, see Transformation
- Isomorphism {WP}
- Klein four-group {WP}
- Liberal arts {WP}
- Quadrivium (arithmetic, geometry, music, astronomy) {WP}
- Trivium (Grammar, Logic, Rhetoric) {WP}
- Line of fifths {JoMM}
(Moss et al. 2023)
- Machine learning {WP}
- Mathematical fields {Mathworld}
- Abstract Algebra {WP}
- Algebra {WP}
- Arithmetic {WP}
- Discrete Mathematics {WP}
- Combinatorics {WP}
- Graph theory {WP}
- Number theory {WP}
- Set Theory {WP}
- Geometry {WP}
- Euclidean geometry {WP}
- Non-Euclidean geometry {WP}
- Number theory {WP}
- Probability {WP}
& Statistics {WP}
- Topology {WP}
- Mathematicians/scientists
- List of geometers {WP}
- -----
- Pythagoras (c. 570-490 BCE) {BA;
- Euclid (fl. 300 BCE) {BA;
- Ptolemy (100-170) {BA;
- René Descartes (1596-1650) {BA;
- Marin Mersenne (1588-1684) {BA;
- Isaac Newton (1643-1727) {BA;
- Leonhard Euler (1707-1783) {BA;
- Carl Friedrich Gauss (1777-1855) {WP}
- Joseph Fourier (1768-1830) {WP}
- Évariste Galois (1811-1832) {BA;
- Bernhard Riemann (1826-1866) {BA;
- Georg Cantor (1845-1918) {WP}
- Felix Klein (1849-1925) {WP}
- Henri Poincaré (1854-1912) {WP}
- Noam Elkies (b. 1966) {WP}
- Metaphor {WP}
- Microcosm-macrocosm analogy {WP}
- Music of the spheres {WP}
- Modernism (Straus 2018)
- Conflicting textural layers
- Fractured forms
- Immobilized harmonies
- Radical simplification
- Radical complexity
- Modulation {WP}
- Music {WP}
- Linguistics {WP}
- Mathematics {WP}
- Philosophy {WP}
- Psychology {WP}
- Science {WP}
- Music theory
- Counterpoint {WP}
- Neo-Riemannian theory (Cohn 2012)
- Post-tonal theory
- Pitch-class set theory {OMT2}
- Twelve-tone theory {OMT2}
- Rhythm theory, see below
- Scale theory, see below
- Schema theory {WP}
(Gjerdingen 2007)
- Geometrical music theory (Hall 2008, Tymoczko 2011, Tymoczko
2013, Toussaint 2013, Tymoczko 2023)
- Transformational theory (Lewin 1987)
- Triadic progressions {OMT2}
- Musical illusions (Deutsch) {Deutsch}
- Pitch circularity {WP}
- Speech-to-song illusion {WP}
- Tritone paradox {WP}
- Musicality {WP}
- Negative harmony (Levy 1985)
- Neo-Riemannian theory {WP}
(Cohn 2012)
- Nonchord tone, Nonharmonic tone, Embellishing tone {WP}
- Number {WP} (Guedj 1997)
- Number theory {WP} (Hardy & Wright 2008/1938)
- Natural numbers (
) {WP}
- Integers (
- Rational numbers (
) {WP}
- Real numbers (
) {WP}
- Complex numbers (
) {WP}
- See also:
- Lists of types of numbers {WP}
- Venn diagram 1 {WP};
Venn diagram 2 {WP}
- Modular arithmetic {WP;
- mod 12, mod 7, mod 8, mod 16, etc.
- Numerology {WP}
- Ostinato {WP}
- Pattern
- Pattern in mathematics (Devlin
- Pattern in music {JMM}
(Conklin 2021)
- Pattern-free music (Rickard 2012)
- Repetition in Music (Margulis 2013)
- Perspective {WP}
- Philosophy {BA;
- Pitch {WP}
- Pitch circularity {WP;
- Chroma {WP}
- Helical model of pitch
- Shepard tone {WP}
- Scientific pitch notation {WP}
- Pitch-class set theory (Straus 2016)
See also: BAIN MUSC 525
- Pitch-class set
- Interval vector
- Normal form
- Tn & TnI
- Prime form
- Mn
- Set class
- under Tn
- under Tn/TnI
- under TnM/TnMI
- Interval cycles
- Maximally-even collections
- Nearly-even collections
- Complement union property
- Polygon
- Polygon diagram
- Polygon diagonal {WP}
- List of polygons {WP}
- Platonic solids {WP}
- Tetrahedron
- Cube
- Octahedron
- Dodecahedron
- Icosahedron
- Prime number {WP}
- Coprime integers {WP}
- Euclidean algorithm {WP}
- Factorization {WP}
- Fundamental theorem of arithmetic {WP}
- Greatest common divisor {WP}
- Ulam spiral {WP}
- Polygon {WP}
- Convex polygon {WP}
- Inscribed polygon
- See Concyclic points {WP}
- Regular polygon {WP}
- Star polygon {WP}
- Projection {WP}
- Proportionality {WP}
- Pythagoreanism {BA}
- Randomness {WP}
- Pseudorandom {WP}
- Stochastic music {WP}
- Markov model {WP}
- Quadrivium {WP}
- Quadruple hierarachy (Tymoczko 2023)
- Ratio {WP}
- Real coordinate space (Rn) {WP}
- Reflection {WP}
- Register {WP}
- Representation {WP}
- Rhythm theory {BA;
WP} (GoR: Toussaint 2019/2013; See also: Cooper & Meter 1960; Hasty 2020/1997; Arom
- Combinatorics (GoR
Ch. 40)
- Cross-rhythm {WP}
- Cycle
- Distance geometry (GoR
Ch. 8)
- Euclidean rhythms {WP}
Ch. 21)
- Inter-onset duration
- Isochrony {WP} (GOR
CH. 2)
- Isomorphisms between rhythms and scales (GoR
Ch. 11)
- Meter {WP}
- Hypermeter {OMT2}
- Metrical dissonance {OMT2}
- Displacement dissonance
- Grouping dissonance
- Polyrhythm {WP}
- Prime generation
- Pulse
- Tempo {WP}
- Time-unit box system (TUBS), or box notation {WP}
- Timelines (GoR
Ch. 3)
- Six distinguished timelines (GoR
Ch. 7)
- Shiko, Son, Soukous, Rumba, Bossa-Nova, and Gahu
- Rhythmic canons (GoR
Ch. 31)
- Visualization of rhythms (GoR
Ch. 35)
- Scale theory (Tymoczko 2008)
- Scales, modes, and collections
- Diatonic modes {OMT2}
- Collections {OMT2}
- Asymmetrical
- Diatonic (DIA)
- Acoustic (AC)
- Harmonic minor (hm) and harmonic major (HM)
- Symmetrical
- Whole tone (WT)
- Octatonic (OCT)
- Hexatonic (HEX)
- Messiaen's Modes of Limited Transposition (MLT) {Morris}
(Messiaen 1944)
- Tymoczko, Scale Networks
- Ring, Amazing Amazing
Scale Finder (Ring 2009)
- Jazz
- Russell, The Lydian Chromatic Concept of Tonal
Organization for Improvisation {WP}
(Russell 1953)
- Other
- Slonimsky, Thesaurus of Scales and Melodic Patterns (Slonimsky 1947)
- Persichetti, Twentieth-Century Harmony (Persichetti 1961)
- Schema theory {WP} (Gjerdingen 2007)
- Galant schemas {OMT2}
- List of galant schemas, selected {OMT2}
- Rule of the octave {OMT2}
- Sequence (mathematics)
- Arithmetic {WP}
- Harmonic {WP}
- Geometric {WP}
- Triangular number {WP}
- Square number {WP}
- Fibonacci {WP}
- Prime {WP}
- Other:
- Per Nørgård's Infinity Series
- -----
- On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences {OEIS}
- Series (mathematics) {WP}
- Set theory {WP}
- Operation {WP}
- Venn diagram {WP}
- Equivalence relation {MW}
- See also: Combinatorics
- Sonification {WP}
- Spaces (Hook 2023)
- Musical
- Pitch space
- Pitch-class space
- Contour space
- OPTIC spaces
- Mathematical
- Metric space {WP}
- Topological space {WP}
- Symmetry {WP} (du Sautoy 2008)
- Synesthesia {WP}
- Tetractys {WP}
- Tonality {WP}
- Tonnetz (Gr., 'tone net') {WP}
- Topology {WP} (Andreatta, Amiot and Yust 2025) {See: JoMM
- Manifold {WP}
- Orbifold {WP}
- Torus {WP; MW}
- Transformational theory {WP}
(Lewin 1987)
- Transposition: Tn
- Inversion: TnI, In, and Ix/y
- Transformational networks {Roeder
- Triadic transformations {WP};
- Hexpole (H), or LPL: e.g., C+ -> Ab-
- Trigonometry {WP}
- Trivium {WP}
- Tuning theory {WP} (Gann 2019)
See also: BAIN MUSC 726T
- Pythagorean tuning {WP}
- Just intonation {WP}
- Mean-tone temperament {WP}
- Equal temperament {WP}
- -----
- Ancient Greek scales (Chalmers
- Harmonic series {WP}
- Twelve-tone system {WP}
(Morris 2007;
Straus 2016)
- The series, or row
- Canonical serial operations
- Transposition (Tn)
- Other operations: IR, ROT, etc.
- Visual system {WP}
- Visualization {WP}
- Voice leading {WP} (Huron 2016; also: Tymoczko 2011; Cohn
2012; Straus 2016; Tymoczko 2023)
- Efficient voice leading
- Parsimonious voice leading
- Voice leading between scales
- Atonal voice leading
- Voice leading space
BA - Britannica Academic
WP - Wikipedia
See also: Post-Tonal Theory Mathematical Terms
& Concepts {
MUSC 525}
See: MUSC 726G Bibliography
Dictionaries & Encyclopedias
Britannica Academic (BA) –
European Mathematical Society, Encyclopedia
of Mathematics –
Grove Music Online {Grove}
Randel, Don, ed. 2003. The Harvard
Dictionary of Music, 4th ed. Cambridge, MA: Harvard
University Press {Harvard
Weisstein, Eric. ed. 2024. Wolfram MathWorld.
Available online at: <>.