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Program Note

When I Consider the Heavens

for SSATTB chorus and electronic sound with projected digital images

by Reginald Bain

When I Consider the Heavens (2005) for SSATTB chorus and electronic sound with projected digital images, weaves voice, telescope images and electronic sound together to create a multimedia tapestry that celebrates the age of discovery made possible by the Hubble Space Telescope. The projected digital images are from NASA's STScI catalogue of publicly released Hubble Space Telescope images. It was written for the University of South Carolina Concert Choir, Larry Wyatt

(Click for a description and larger image)
Credit: NASA, ESA, S. Beckwith (STScI) and the HUDF Team


Listen to a brief excerpt below:


O LORD, our Lord, the heavens declare your glory;
      the stars reveal your hands.
Day upon day, night upon night;
      sends forth speech, proclaims knowledge.
There is no speech, nor words;
      yet their voice goes out through all the earth.

When I consider the heavens, the work of your fingers;
      he fires across the sky proclaim your glory.
Suns burn, beam, blaze, shine across the firmament.

Days return in splendor;
      nights through silence sing.
O LORD, our Lord, the heavens declare your glory;
      the stars reveal your hands.

Psalms 8 & 19; adapted by the composer
© 2005 Reginald Bain
All rights reserved



Updated: January 26, 2019