University of South Carolina
School of Music

Debussy & Ravel

Fall 2024

MUSC 726D | Blackboard

C O U R S E   M O D U L E S
Triangle icon Introduction
2. Piano Music
3. Ballet Music
4. String Quartets
5. Solo and Other
Chamber Music
6. Vocal Music
7. Comparative Analysis
8. Orchestral Music


Welcome to MUSC 726D!


Left quote
Learning begins in wonder.
Right quote

– Socrates

Course Description

Analysis of melody, harmony, rhythm, form, style and orchestration in the music of Claude Debussy and Maurice Ravel

Prerequisite: Undergraduate tonal harmony and voice leading

Course Documents

  1. Syllabus (pdf) Updated con
  2. Activities
  3. Digital Anthology
  4. Explore
  5. Bibliography
  6. Summer 2023 Course


  1. Analysis Project (TBA)
  2. Final Presentation (TBA)

Online Media Resources

  1. Barenboim, 5 Minutes on Claude Debussy
  2. Boston Symphony Orchestra, Behind the Music
  3. Christiansen, Earsense: Debussy & Ravel
  4. Classical Notes
  5. Gjerdingen, Child Composers {YouTube Channel} {Gjerdingen 2020}
  6. Howat, Fibonacci and the Golden Section {} (Howat 1983)
  7. Interlude
  8. King & Coulter, The Music Professor {YouTube Channel}
  9. London Philharmonic
  10. Los Angeles Philharmonic, Gustavo Dudamel
  11. Malinowski, Music Animation Machine {}
  12. Martin, Listening In {YouTube Channel}
  13. Morgan Library & Museum
  14. Musical Times, Portraits of Debussy
  15. Philharmonia Orchestra, Esa-Pekka Salonen
  16. Pianist Magazine
  17. Ross
  18. Swingle Singers
  19. Teoria, Web-based analyses by José Rodríguez Alvira
  20. Tonebase Piano {YouTube Channel}

Research Tools

  1. FindIt @ UofSC
  2. Dictionaries: Harvard Dictionary | Grove/Oxford
  3. Articles: JSTOR
  4. E-books: Ebook Central | EBSCOhost | Hathi Trust
  5. Scores: IMSLP; Alexander Street; CPDL
  6. Recordings: Naxos | Spotify | YouTube

Lists of Works

  1. Claude Debussy (1862-1918)
  2. Maurice Ravel (1875-1937)

Autograph Manuscripts, Sketches, etc. (Selected)

  1. Claude Debussy
  2. Maurice Ravel

BnF - Bibliothèque nationale de France {WP}
IMSLP - International Music Score Library Project {WP}

Music Theory Journals

  1. 19th-Century Music {UC Press}
  2. College Music Symposium {CMS}
  3. Engaging Students: Essays in Music Pedagogy {OSU Libraries}
  4. Indiana Theory Review {IU Press}
  5. Intégral {}
  6. Journal of Mathematics and Music {Taylor & Francis}
  7. Journal of Music Theory {JMT; JSTOR}
  8. Journal of Music Theory Pedagogy {JMTP}
  9. Journal of New Music Research {Taylor & Francis}
  10. Music Analysis {Wiley; JSTOR}
  11. Perspectives on New Music {Website; JSTOR}
  12. Society for Music Theory (SMT)
  13. Theory and Practice {JSTOR}

Main References

See also: BAIN MUSC 726D Bibliography

DeVoto. Mark. 2004. Debussy and the Veil of Tonality: Essays on His Music. Hillsdale, NY: Pendragon Press. {GB}

Parks, Richard S. 1989. The Music of Claude Debussy. New Haven: Yale University Press. {GB}

Howat, Roy. 1983. Debussy in Proportion. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. {GB}

Kaminsky, Peter, ed. 2011. Unmasking Ravel: New Perspectives on the Music. Rochester: University of Rochester Press. {GB; Full text: Ebook Central}

Kelly, Barbara L. 2001. "Ravel, (Joseph) Maurice." Grove Music Online. {Grove}

Lesure, François and Roy Howat. 2001. "Debussy, (Achille-) Claude." Grove Music Online. {Grove}

Orenstein, Arbie. 1991/1968. Ravel: Man and Musician. Mineola, NY: Dover. {GB}

Pasler, Jan. 2001. "Impressionism." Grove Music Online. {Grove}

Zank, Stephen. 2009. Irony and Sound: The Music of Maurice Ravel. Rochester: University of Rochester Press. {GB}

Updated: July 25, 2024

Reginald Bain | University of South Carolina | School of Music