University of South Carolina
School of Music

Music Theory I

Summer 2024

MUSC 115 | Blackboard | E-book | Listening/Analysis

C O U R S E   M O D U L E S
1. Fundamentals
2. Harmonic Schemas
in Popular Music
3. Diatonic Harmony
4. Sentences & Periods
Form in Popular Music
Online Resources

OMT Glossary

On Music Dictionary


Thanks for a great summer term!

Course Documents

  1. Syllabus (pdf)
  2. Daily Schedule
  3. Listening/Analysis
  4. Bibliography

Required Textbook (Open Access)

Open Music Theory (OMT), Version 2 {OMT2} (Gotham, et al. 2020)


See Blackboard

Course Materials

  1. Handouts
  2. The Nashville Number System
  3. Aspects of Popular Music (Moore 2016)
  4. Diatonic Harmony in Common-Practice Music
  5. Music Notation
  6. Assignments Overview


  1. Chord Loop Project (pdf)
  2. Melody Harmonization Project (pdf)
  3. Form Project (pdf)


  1. CAI Activity #1 (Thurs., June 20): Key Signatures, Scales & Triads 
  2. CAI Activity #2 (Thurs., June 27): Triads & Seventh Chords
  3. CAI Activity #3 (Wed., July 3): Speed Drills

Online Calculators

  1. Accidental Calculator {}
  2. Interval Calculator {}
  3. Scale Calculator {}
  4. Chord Calculator {}
  5. Roman Numeral Calculator {}

Music Theory Fundamentals Handouts

  1. Keyboard Diagram (pdf)
  2. Major and Minor Scales (pdf)
  3. Solfčge Syllables (pdf)
  4. Scale Degree Names (pdf)
  5. Intervals (pdf)
  6. Interval Size in Semitones (pdf)
  7. Transposed Major Scales (pdf)
  8. Key Signatures (pdf)
  9. Chord Types (pdf)
  10. Lead-Sheet Symbols (pdf)
  11. Four-Chord Schemas (pdf)
  12. Chord Inversions & Figured Bass (pdf)
  13. The Chorale Style (pdf)
  14. Embellishing Tones (pdf)
  15. Roman Numerals (pdf)

Main References

See also: BAIN MUSC 115 Bibliography

Adams, Ricci. 2024. ( Available online at: <>.

Alvira, José Rodríguez. 2024 Teoria. Available online: <>.

Feezell, Mark. 1998-2022. (LMT). Available online at: <>.
Gotham, Mark, et al. 2020. Open Music Theory, Version 2 (OMT2). Viva Press Publishing. Available online at: <>.

Mount, Andre with Lee Rothfarb. 2020. Fundamentals, Function, and Form: Theory and Analysis of Tonal Western Art Music. Available online: <>.

Updated: July 6, 2024

Reginald Bain | University of South Carolina | School of Music